We would like to share some very exciting news today, because we released a new version of your favourite login & register extension with a very useful and cool feature.
Viewing entries tagged Improved AJAX Login
We are pleased to announce that we continued to improve our Login & Register module, and we released a new Rounded theme to create very spectacular and unique designs with just a few clicks. With this theme, you can embed your favorite sign-in module into your site even better.
The summer of 2018 didn't pass without happenings in the AJAX Login and Register’s life. We took the time, improved our Login module and released a new Demo page for the product. The goal was to fully meet the latest trends and add new useful features.
When we designed the Improved AJAX Login and Register we used a user-friendly approach to make it comfortable to use both on backend and frontend. It has distinguished that from the rest of the many other similar extension. Now we will introduce some new improvements which makes this extension even better.
As you probably know that new Joomla version will arrive in March, the 3.5 LTS. As usual, it will contain new features and changes, so the installed extensions need to be compatible with that. But you don't have to worry, all of the purchasable Offlajn extensions are ready to use on Joomla 3.5+. Check the details:
Hey Offlajners! Long time we didn't post anything into our blog section of facebook page, so we decided it's time to change it, however on other forums we kept in touch. Now we have some very promising news for you, so stay tuned, it worth!
The key feature of the Improved AJAX Login is the popup registration form, what allow the users to create a new account to your site without loading the registration page, so your visitors can register from anywhere on your site to start a purchase, or comment to your posts. And now this feature get more power with the latest update. Read more for the details!
We have been in busy working in the last month, so that's why you haven't heard from us. Some of our current project has been ended, and would like to proudly announce them to you. Read more to get know the additional details.
This feature got a great success when it comes with Joomla 3.2, and more and more of the Joomla admins enable it on their sites. For now 2 methods are available, the Google Authenticator, and the YubiKey. Improved AJAX Login also supports this type of authentication to help you to keep your sites in safe. Read more to know this feature!
Just a few hours ago the Joomla Team announced the brand new version of the popular CMS, 3.2.0 stable. This version is something new, what you can feel in many different ways. Let's see what does it mean. And the most important, that all of our extension support it from the zero hour. Learn more about it...
It was in the air for some time, and a leaked picture on facebook also appear, which clearly proves that something happening under the hood. The Improved Login comes with many new features, and looks amazing!
We always would like to bring the cutting edge technology to our customers. That's why we spending many hours with brainstorming then develop the new ideas with a fancy design. Now Geolocation is the new feature, what introducing in the new version. The Improved Login also get a new demo site, so check the details!
LinkedIn is not only a fast-grown social site, but also a perfect platform for employers to find the suitable employee or vica versa. As a modern social site, LinkedIn also supports OUATH 2.0 protocol, so we decided to implement it to the Improved AJAX Login.
From time-to-time more and more features will be implemented into our extensions. This not only means that the developers just put the new feature and its settings to new lines, we also keep the usability as the main purpose, and logically built-in the new functionality. Nevertheless the module manager can seem to be complex for the first sight, so we decided to make fully detailed articles about all of the features.
We proudly announce the brand New Version of the Improved AJAX Login & Register v.2.0. Many new features and changes for the better performance positioning this extension to a level, where component never was. We totally refactored the JavaScript code for the frontend, and switched to jQuery framework, while keep the code lightweight, for faster loading time. And also now additional fields can be place into the registration form with a very fancy Live Editor. Check the details below:
Many of you ask that the Improved Ajax Login & Register will change Joomla login and registration form to its fancy design, and the old forms get these functionalities. Now the answer is YES, and if you read more this post, you will know how it works.
Setting up a complex module can be a nightmare if the lots of parameters are not in a logical order, or the admin-interface confuse the user. Many options can make an extension flexible for all expectations, but it can cause a full mess. So this part of the developing can be difficult, but we often try to set-up our extensions through the eyes of a user.
Does your site has social integration, such as like buttons under the articles, facebook fanbox on your site, or social login? If your answer is no for this question you should't have to worry, you are not so late!