New theme and demo site has arrived for AJAX Login & Register

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The summer of 2018 didn't pass without happenings in the AJAX Login and Register’s life. We took the time, improved our Login module and released a new Demo page for the product. The goal was to fully meet the latest trends and add new useful features.

Login & Register - Simple Theme

Simple Theme

We are proud to introduce a brand new theme for Improved AJAX Login & Register which gives you a cleaner, simplified and more modern appearance to your favorite sign-in extension.

What gives you the new UI?

  • Social Icon design: The social login buttons became a fresh design which gives seamless integration to the full layout. It is possible to add them to the bottom or to the top of the form window. The social buttons inherit the color of the buttons, transformed into gradient color.
  • New label animation: In the registration form, the labels for the input fields become a new transition.
  • Logo image: We created a possibility to set a Logo image for the Login Form, so you can put your website’s Logo to the top of the form.
  • Easier to manage: In this new theme the list of the Theme Parameters are reduced to minimum, so you can configure your module easier than ever.

New Demo Site

We are happy to announce that, we released a new demo page, where you can check more than 15 Login and Register examples. For these examples we created separate pages with lot of useful informations to get the most out of the extension.

Login & Register - Simple Theme
New Demo for Improved AJAX Login & Register

Some New Features and bug fixes

We added some new features to extend the Login and Register power and fixed some bugs to make developers life easier. We have collected the most important features for you:

Elegant theme design revamp

We increased the size of the form fields and buttons, so it is more easy to click/touch on them. This is especially beneficial for touch devices like mobiles and tablets. Click on the image below to check it live.

Login & Register - Simple Theme
Elegant theme - embed to the left column
Captcha 2.0

Since 31 March 2018, Google no longer supports reCaptcha v1. Currently only reCaptcha v2 can be used in the System – Captcha reCaptcha plugin. We have also adapted this in our module, so we removed the legacy codes of the reCaptcha v1. Furthermore, we handled the case if more module or component use the Captcha in your site.

Embed mode

We've improved the product in embedded mode too. Thanks to the new code structure, the forms will look in responsive templates much better.

Login & Register - Simple Theme
Simple theme - login and register embed (Click for the demo)
Social Login tutorial upgrades

The Social connection is a very important part of the authentication on today's websites. It is important for us to keep up-to-date tutorials in the administrator page, so you can configure them fast and easy.

Inherit font scheme

From now, it is possible to use your template built in fonts instead of loading other font-families. For this use the inherited option in the font settings.

Make Geolocation faster and precise

The Geolocation parameter is a very good feature for speeding up registration process. We improved this feature with HTTP Rest API, so now it is faster and more precise than ever.

You can check more detailes in our changelog here:


As in the past, we are still keen on your opinions, ideas or experiences, so if you have anything what can make Improved AJAX Login & Register better then don't afraid to write us below in the comment section!

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Thursday, 13 March 2025