We made a minor modification on the Universal Ajax Live Search module - Search Statistics compatibility. (compatible with Joomla 2.5, Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 1.6 and 1.5)
What is search statistics?
All Joomla versions have a built in Search component, wich is able of creating statistics about search terms and keywords. You can check for what your users were looking for, how many times have they entered each keyword. In the previous versions the Universal Ajax Live Search was not compatible with this feature. By default, this is turned off, but you can turn it on:
- Log in to your administrator panel, then click on Search
- On the left side, click on parameters icon, and switch "Gather Search Statistics" to "Yes"
- Do some search on the website and check the statistics
Why use search statistics?
It simply tells you, what are people looking for on your website. You can adjust your content to user needs. For those, who need search statistics, I hihgly recommend this version.
Great tutorial with images for Joomla, Thanks for providing useful tutorial.