Offlajn Extensions are Joomla 3.5 ready

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As you probably know that new Joomla version will arrive in March, the 3.5 LTS. As usual, it will contain new features and changes, so the installed extensions need to be compatible with that. But you don't have to worry, all of the purchasable Offlajn extensions are ready to use on Joomla 3.5+. Check the details:

What will change with the new version?

Of course there are many updates under the hood, so your site working will be more stable and secure. One of these updates is the new data-collector of Joomla. This means, that your site will automatically send anonim raw data to the Joomla team, to help them in future developments. You don't have to worry, non of your sensitive data will be leaked, these are only statistics to support the developers. Moreover, as this statistic feature will be a plugin in the plugin manager, you can easily disable that. According to them, here you can read their purpose(

One of stated goals for the last couple of years has been to try to understand our users better. In line with that goal, we want to better understand the sort of environments and platforms that people are using to install and run Joomla. This will enable us to make more informed decisions about which platforms we need to support, minimum version requirements, the pace at which we can encourage people to upgrade, and so on.

TinyMCE update

Within the new version of Joomla, you are now able to drag and drop images with the core TinyMCE text editor. This could help you to improve the speed of e.g. create an article, because you don't have to upload your image in the media manager or via FTP before you can use it.

Update for protostar core template

With this small but quite functional update on the main template you will be able to add your own CSS code to the template. That is useful, because many user need custom CSS, and now it can included on your backend. This is great, because even if you update the system, the custom CSS code won't be lost.

PHP 7 compatibility

With the new Joomla version, it will be ready to run on a server which uses PHP 7. This is great news not for only geeks or sysadmins, because in the following months many hosting provider will also update to this new PHP version. Not just the new Joomla, but of course all of our extensions are compatible with PHP 7, so you can easily upgrade your own server as well.

What's new in PHP 7? Without telling you the technical details, it will be faster with up to 25-70% than the previous version. Not just the performance groved, but the resource optimization is also great in PHP7, so your sites can be more faster, while use less resource. Admit it, that sounds great!

Closing words

So after you upgrade to Joomla 3.5 and got any problem with any of our extension please make sure that you have the latest version installed, which always can be found in your download area. Of course if the problem is still persist contact us on the well-known ways, and we will reply you immediately. And also you should stay tuned, because more fascinating thing will come with the spring. Cheers!

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