Social Parameters are now separated in the Improved Ajax Login & Register

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Setting up a complex module can be a nightmare if the lots of parameters are not in a logical order, or the admin-interface confuse the user. Many options can make an extension flexible for all expectations, but it can cause a full mess. So this part of the developing can be difficult, but we often try to set-up our extensions through the eyes of a user.

We always try to make our extensions' interface user-friendly and implement a new feature's settings in a rational way. This purpose resulted this little modification in the Improved Ajax Login & Register's module manager. Now the settings according to the social login separated to a new tab. We hope that it will helps you to better understand these settings. Here is a screenshot from the new tab:

Social Parameters tab

Social Parameters tab

Let's talk about these parameters

Social settings
If you click on this parameter, the social login settings will load on a new tab. Here you can set what kind of social account will you allow on your site.
Enable social login
Here you can allow/deny the social registration on your site.
Social login > Profile page
If you switch on, the profile page will load after the first successful social login, and the user can fill or change the account details.
Social registration
With automatic method the user will be registered with the details of the social account. The manual only fill out the registration form with these datas, but can be change before registration.
Social button position
With this option you can define where do you would like to place your social icons of the login and register popup box.
Social button type
You can select two types of the social login, button or icon only

We hope that with this small modification we can improve the performance and usability of the Improved Ajax Login & Register! You can check the new manual registration feature on the following link. Demo page

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Friday, 14 February 2025