Does your site has social integration, such as like buttons under the articles, facebook fanbox on your site, or social login? If your answer is no for this question you should't have to worry, you are not so late!
If I say social website everybody associate to facebook. The truth is that this is one of the most popular website nowadays, but there are some else, for example twitter, linkedIn or Google Plus. Of course, all of these sites is for connect the people to each other, and connect the businesses to the people. But enough for now the words, I will show you some techniques about the social integration to your sites.
Like Buttons
Everybody knows what is LIKE, so I won't explain it detaily. With like buttons the people who visit your page, and previously logged in to facebook can see this button, and if click on it, his or her friends can see in their wall, and maybe click on the link, and you get some extra visitors.

Like Box or Fanbox
If you have a facebook fan page, you can place your fanbox to your site. It shows some of your fans randomly, and a like button, where visitors can like your facebook page if they didn't do it yet. With this fanbox you can also show your recent posts from facebook.
Social login and Registration
I think this is the most useful part, of the social integration. Lots of people don't like if he would like to download something, or read an interesting article, but need to sign in to do this, and fill such a lot field, click on the link in the activation email and finally sign in.
Social login can solve this issue, because just click on for example the facebook icon, sign in to there, if you are not previously signed in, and that's all, you will be logged in as a registered user. With these feature you should't have to remember a lot passwords, and save your time.
Offlajn also has a social login module, called Improved Ajax Login. With this product you can login with your facebook, google or windows live account by one click. There is a demo page for this product ,where you can try it during operation. And the most important that this module looks like very fancy, and it fully fits to your template. Try it here:
Improved Ajax Login demo page
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