Text animations for Overlay mode of the Vertical Menu

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In the following article we will show some tips about how to make your menu items more fascinating, if you use the Overlay menu mode.

What will you need for that?

In spite of the fact that text animations are already built into the module manager of the Vertical Menu for a while, you haven' t really used that on your sites. Our aim now to introduce this parameter in details, and show you how easy to use that, and make your menu more spectacular with a few clicks. First you don't need anything else, just select the overlay mode in the module manager, and scroll down to the Animation parameters tab. Here you can change the opening animation effects as well as other detailed settings. You can find description for that part in the documentation, but now the important parameter is the Text animation for us. If you open that, you will see how many different presets are available.

Text animations
Text animations in module manager

We have made some examples for you, so you will see that how to cheer your site up with a few modifications. Let's see them:

Square brackets
Underline 1
Underline 2
Push down

It is recommended to choose a dark background-color here, and a brighter text color with a bit darker hover color for the items to get the best results.

Swipe up
Fill out

With these last 2 animation types it is worth to choose a darker hover color for the text to get the animation more spectacular.


Please note, that we really count on your opinion and advices, because we would like to keep high the quality of the Vertical Menu as well as other extensions. So if you have an idea or question contact us by a comment here, or even via a support ticket. We keen on your feedback, because that can prove us that we are on the right way, and also help to develop new features what you really need.

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Friday, 14 February 2025