Vertical Menu settings are now portable

3 comment(s)

Today we have released a new feature for the Vertical Menu, so now it is capable to export the settings and easily import them to another instance, even it is on an other site.

We know that this feature is awaited by many users, and make the Vertical Menu much more easy-to-use, however according to your feedbacks, it is already a very user-friendly extension thanks for the powerful backend and the detailed documentation.

For whom can be that useful?

Honestly? For every single users! For web developers, who manage more sites, now it is enough to set up one menu module, then the settings can be exported there, and easily import into another menu module.
But that is not enough, because we made different presets, which you can see on the demo page are now also importable with a single click. So if you like a menu there, you are just few-clicks-away, to get the same on your site. Of course after then you can customize that freely. This is perfect, isn't it!

Downloadable presets
Downloadable presets on the demo site

How to use that?

First you need to download and install the latest version from your download area. If your subscription has expired, just renew that, and get access for the latest one. Then open the module manager of the Vertical Menu, and click on the Export button. Right after the exported settings within a zip file will download.
Once you have an exported file, you need to browse that, and click on the import button. Then the settings will be appear in your module manager. This is simple how it sounds. No tricks, or dead-ends.

Import-export parameter in the module manager

Additional development

We have also improved the Custom CSS and Custom Javascript fields, which now show the code in a more clear way with some useful tips as well.

Custom CSS parameter
Custom CSS parameter with tips

That's all for now folks, but I guess you should stay tuned, because many mind-blowing things will arrive in this year! Cheers!

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Christopher Lewis
Wednesday, 03 February 2016

Awesome menu guys ! Thanks

Friday, 08 April 2016

Love it ! Brillant menu. Keep going on it !

Fernando Sánchez Olivera
Friday, 12 May 2017

Very very very practical and useful the new implementation!!!!!!!

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Friday, 14 February 2025