Latest improvements on Vertical menu

8 comment(s)

The last few months didn't passed without happenings in the Vertical Menu's life. As the matter of the fact we didn't post about that, but in the background we have worked at full blast. Based on the many users' feedback (which are really appreciated) and on our ideas we have implement many new useful features into the already great Vertical Menu! Check the details below:

Vertical Menu opener button caption
Vertical Menu opener button caption

Menu opener button caption

A caption next to the burger icon with a custom text like "MENU" could make more clear where the users should click to reach the desired menu item faster - Danielle.

If we should make an order about the most requested features, that one would be in the very first place. We are welcomed it, extend that with our ideas and as a result a new feature was bornt. On the attached image you can see that there are 4 different way how you can show the custom text.

Vertical Menu opener button caption settings
Vertical Menu opener button caption settings

Auto open menu when the page loaded

Would you like to show a quick navigation for your customers when they visit your site? Or even show a welcome screen with modules? If the answer is yes this is a must have feature for you. You can enable an option, which will open your sidebar overlay or popup menu on the first visit or even every page loads. So what will the visitors see for the first time would be your menu navigation. Imagine that you have a webshop site. When visitors check that, the navigation will opened and can browse categories while you have also placed a banner with the current sales into the embedded top module position of the Vertical Menu. Guess what, you got two birds with one stone. Users can navigate on your site faster, and also the chance to reach your discounted sales. What could be better than that?

14 predefined menu item animation

With the Vertical Menu you are able to set animations not only for the menu appearing, but for the menu items as well. You can choose from the 14 predefined one or even create your own one with the advanced settings. This feature will make the menu more spectacular than ever. Check it below:

Vertical Menu - Accordion menu item transition
Accordion menu item transition

Dropmenu open on hover/click

There were also several request from users who would like to open and keep the sub-level of a parent dropmenu item for click instead of the hover, so now this is also available.

Dropmenu opening behavior
Dropmenu opening behavior

Smoothly scrolled one page navigation

Nowadays more and more template have a one-page-layout. Usually the problem with them however they are very spectacular the navigation can be difficult, and you need to scroll down for ages. But not anymore, because Vertical Menu is capable to used for one-page sites. You only have to do to create anchor menu items on the backend, and enjoy how smooth it is. You can check this feature on our demo site: Restaurant Demo Page.

Tooltip-like animation for the opener button

On the mentioned site upper (Restaurant Demo Page) you can see a tooltip animation for the menu opener button. Of course you can also have this, just read or very easy tutorial on the Docs site: Tooltip tutorial for opener button.

Tooltip-like animation
Tooltip-like animation

Trigger Vertical Menu opening by click on a menu item

We have also made a small tutorial article about how you can make it with your Vertical Menu. On the following link you can find a step-by-step description about that: Trigger Vertical Menu opening with a menu item.

Before you go...

We all hope that you will like these improvements. If you have any idea how can we make it more and more better just write us, or even comment here, and let us know!

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Aaron Bielert
Thursday, 08 October 2015

Font Awesome integration would be great...

Balint Polgarfi
Friday, 09 October 2015

Yes, it's on our roadmap :)

Norson Harris
Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Can I download the new version now?

Balint Polgarfi
Thursday, 15 October 2015

Of course, you can find it in your Download Area

Friday, 06 November 2015

It is possible to translate Vertical Menu with Falang?

What is the maximum size for the images / icons at Vertical Menu?

Friday, 06 November 2015

It is possible, but you don't need to use the Falang, just use the default Joomla multilingual feature. You can create a menu module, then set its language, for example: English. In this case the module will only appear in the selected position of the frontend, if your current language is English. Then you can create another instance in the module manager, and set a different language for that.

There is no limitation for the icon size, moreover you can set its size in the module manager, then the Vertical Menu will crop or re-scale it depending on your settings.

Michael Doege
Tuesday, 09 February 2016

It's really great: Tooltip-like animation for the opener button. Works fine after cut-n-pasting JS code. However, which parameters have to be changed to get the repeated bouncing feature shown on this page here? JS code copied does not repeat actually. Sorry, my JS knowledge is more than limited. TXS.

Balint Polgarfi
Tuesday, 09 February 2016

Hi Michael,

the image above is repeating because it's a gif animation, by default this animation play only once. If you want to repeat it please write us a support ticket and our support team will help you ASAP.

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