Accordion mode is a perfect way of navigation, if you would like to have your menu items hierarchically listed. Each children items appear right under their parents and make the menu system more easy to handle. At the same time only one branch of the items can be opened to save space, and don't let you get lost among the lots of menu items. But why are we talking about that? Because now the Vertical Menu has this type of navigation!
New navigation type has arrived
Accordion menu mode can be useful if you have even a webshop or a photo gallery site with many categories and sub-levels. Just open a parent item, and it will expand to show its sub-levels. If you click on the parent item again, or even another one, the current will collapse:

Accordion menu
How can I use/get it?
If you have a valid subscription for the Vertical Menu you just need to upgrade to the latest version. Then in the module manager select the Accordion value for the Navigation type parameter, as you can see on the image below.

Vertical Menu - Accordion type
If your subscription has expired you can still easily have the new version. Don't have to do anything just go to your download area, and renew that with discount.
If you are new to Vertical Menu you can purchase the most suitable package on the product page.
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