It was quite recently when we have released the new Vertical Menu. It was already a multi-purpose menu solution, but we didn't stop the development as we have added a new position type. This is not just new for the Vertical Menu, but a whole new approach in the menu systems. See more for details:
Gathered experience so far
We have developed the Vertical Menu with a large enthusiasm, and after the official release we hoped that you will like it because we felt that it has many potential inside. What I have to say you guys made that, because we got uncountable positive feedback, so we would like to say a big THANK YOU, we really appreciate it! That made us so excited, so we have immediately started to develop a brand new feature for the menu, which is a kind new level of the navigation. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce the Overlay Mode:

Vertical Menu - Overlay mode
Overlay navigation is a new trend in web-design, removing the traditional menu from your sites pages. The special thing about the overlay menu is that it doesn’t have a fixed size like modals, it can cover all the screen or you can set a custom margin around the menu. This type has 12 predefined opening animation and also 6 extra hover transitions on menu items. You can check it on the updated demo site: Overlay mode for Vertical Menu. We have also refreshed the documentation with the new menu position type, so you can learn more the settings here: Documentation for overlay mode
As we mentioned in the previous post, we will take much more attention on your feedback than ever, because we really would like to create things that you really need. So thank you for the responses so far, and hope you will keep that on, and the conclusion would be really useful yet spectacular especially for you. Cheers!
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