How to improve the default Joomla login & registration looking?

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Many of you ask that the Improved Ajax Login & Register will change Joomla login and registration form to its fancy design, and the old forms get these functionalities. Now the answer is YES, and if you read more this post, you will know how it works.

Under the hood...

When we create this feature, we based on the users responses. They like the design of the login and registration form of our extension, and also want to change the old Joomla skin to this shiny modern forms. So we decided to add this feature, and developed a plugin, what can do it, and you don't need to worry about the old design of the user management in the front-end. This plugin is a part of the installation package of this extension. Just install, configure within a minute and enjoy its capabilities!

Improved login form Improved registration form
Improved login formImproved registration form

And still there is a feature...

Changing the default user component forms can be enough, but we add more. There is an option in the module manager, what switch off the login form appearing in a popup, so it can show as a simple module in a template position, but of course with the nice design:

Improved login form
Improved login form

And the option for this setting from the module manager/Basic Parameters:

Improved login form
Setting in the module manager


We hope that the current and the future customers of the Improved Ajax Login & Register will like this feature. You know, when you are satisfied and like our works, that makes us happy, and inspired us to develop more professional features and extensions.

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Thursday, 17 October 2013

Thanks for the information you provided, it helps to know about the module manager setting for default login registration.

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Sunday, 23 February 2025