Free Extensions from Offlajn?

About a week ago we have decided to expand our business to Facebook. But why should you join us on Facebook? Free Extension bundles, that's why!

From time to time we are planning to giveaway some of our best products to our fellow members and followers. Every information will be posted on our Facebook page as soon as we hit the desired amount of page likes! Don't worry, it's not going to be a lottery, usually the quickest responders will be gifted.

Offlajn on Facebook

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Ixxo Cart Search Plugin for Joomla 1.5

For a customer request I have created a search plugin for Ixxo Cart store component. As allways, this plugin helps Universal AJAX Live Search to show the product images.


New content template is available in SmartSlider

We are presenting a new feature in SmartSlider. If you want to embed contents in your slider from another urls, your time has come!



Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Where to get a module extension like you used to have called "Sticky Module"?

Ernest Marcinko
Tuesday, 17 July 2012


If you mean Sticky Module position, then it is located here.

If you mean Sticky admin toolbar, then it is here.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

have a discount coupon code? very thanks

Ernest Marcinko
Friday, 03 August 2012


Unfortunately we dont have coupon codes.

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Saturday, 27 July 2024