New features in AJAX Dock Cart

Usually I don't write changelog to my products, because I'm looking forward to finish with the new version and at the end I'm too lazy or just forget it. But in the last month I added a few interesting features and finally I write some words about my favorite. So read more and don't forget to upgrade your cart!

Load product page with AJAX

So far the module was able to add or remove products from the cart without page refreshing, but with this feature after you click to the product icon on the cart then only the product flypage will refresh. It's a great way to boost up your webshop loading speed and therefore brings joy to your visitors. It works only when the user is inside the shop (option=com_virtuemart) or else it will work like a normal link. Show cart and checkout icons doesn't support this feature.

Try it in our live demo site: set "Load product page with AJAX" to yes at module parameters, then add some products to the cart and click to VirtueMart at the top menu to go inside the shop. Now just click to the product icons one after the other and you will see the fastest result.

The browser's Back and Forward buttons are supported in FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera, try it too.

The other new features:

  • Compatible with multilingual sites
  • Currency changing
  • Unique show cart and checkout page
  • Some new product background icons

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Wednesday, 12 March 2025