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In this section you can find the type related settings. The available parameters can be different for each types, here you can see a collection of the all parameters.


Menu name

This parameter will appear if you are using the Joomla version. You can select which Joomla menu would you like to show on the frontend.

Menu item

After you have selected the menu you need to select which items would you like to show. You can set them by clicking on the name, or deselect by another click. If you would like to show all of them just simple click on the All items. This also will appear in Joomla mode.

Categories as top level categories

The following parameters will be related to the webshop versions. With this parameter you can select the categories to show as the same way as selected the menu items.

Show products with the categories

You can set that you only would like to show only the product categories, or also the products.

Display the number of products

You can show that how many products a category contains. The selectable options are:

  • No: the number of the products won't shown.
  • Yes, only the real count: the number of the product will shown, but only the real number. It means that if there are more subcategories their numbers won't be aggregated.
  • Yes the aggregated count on each category: the product number will be always aggregated with this option. It means that the subcategories number will be sum, and the summed values will appear next to the parent categories.

Product numbers Product numbers

Element order

You can define in what order would you like to show the items.

  • Component default: the items will be show by the order you have set in the webshop component.
  • Alphabetical ascending: the items will be in alphabetical order.
  • Alphabetical descending: the order will be in reverse-alphabetical.

Show category description as menu image

This parameter only according to the Virtuemart, because now you can't set icon images for the categories in this component, as you can do it easily in another webshop component. So we think it over, and implemented it to the Vertical Dropmenu. The only thing you have to do is the following:

  • Navigate to components/Virtuemart.
  • Select the category, what you want to add icon.
  • Place the icon as a pure image in the category description. Note that you have to use small icons (e.g. 16x16 px) to get a suitable result.
  • Save your category, and check the menu in your front-end.