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In this section you can set some basic settings for the Vertical Dropmenu. There are not so much parameters there, but these are specify the working and styling of the Menu.



With this parameter you can set what type of Vertical Dropmenu would you like to use. If you purchase a Dropmenu you can see usually one item in the list. In case of purchase more than one menu, or bought the Virtuemart version there are more than one in the list. To learn more of the types, please read the Which version do I need? article. Note that in case of you have selected a type what component has not installed a notice will be shown in the Type Parameters.

Active item(s)

Here you can select which menu items got the active class. It is not only a CSS class, the active items will be highlighted as you defined in the Theme parameters. Active means, that the user clicked on it and the link has loaded.

  • Selected item active: Only the selected menu item will be active.

  • Selected item active Selected item active
  • Selected branch active: In this case not only the selected item will be marked as active, the full path of the item will highlighted.

  • Selected branch active Selected branch active
  • No active elements: As the name said, with this setting there won't be any active item.

Parent item as link

If you have enabled this option the parent items, what can be for example categories will also clickable, as the children items. If you disable it only the last children element will be clickable.

Allow to the theme to manage module title

The Vertical Dropmenu has 3 theme, what are fully customizable in the Theme manager. With this option you can allow, that these themes handle the title of the module or not. Below you can see an example for both cases:

Allow to theme to manage the title Allow to theme to manage the title


Here you can set the theme, what you can customize in the Theme parameters. You can learn more about it in the Theme Parameters, or in the related articles.