Quick navigation


As you can read before the Vertical Dropmenu has 3 themes. From these ones, this theme is the most clear and simple. Of course the functionality is the same in all 3 cases, only the designs are different to can easily find which one fit fully to your template.

Default Theme



With this combined parameter you can set all the 4 margin around the menu. You can also set the values in pixels and in ems.

Border radius

Set the border radius css property for the edges of the menu.

Title font

Here you can define the module's title. You can learn more about the font manager in the related article.

Submenu shadow

This is a box-shadow CSS property for the sub-levels.

Open submenus right to left

This parameter is in connection with the Page direction setting, but can be use individually from that. The default method is to show the sub-levels on the right, but you can also extend the menu to the left hand side.

Animation effect

You got the chance to set modern, graphic-accelerated animations for showing and hiding the submenus.

  • Type: Here you can select the animation type.
  • Duration: You can set how long the selected animation takes.
  • Delay: You can also set a delay for the start of the animation

Submenu opacity

The sub-levels can be transparent. Here you can set its value.

Horizontal distance between submenus

As the title said, here you can define the distance, between the submenus.

Level settings

In the Vertical Dropmenu you can create menus in unlimited deep. But this is not all, you can also define different settings for each level. The only have to do just add levels with the plus button. If you have more levels than you defined in the theme manager the sub-levels what don't have definition will inherit the parent's properties. So these settings related to one item, of the current level.


You can set padding around the menu-item.

Background color

Simple background color for the item.


Here you can set the properties of the bottom-border of the element.

Closed state

A combined parameter again, where you can define an image for the closed state, and also can be colorized it.

Opened state

With the same functionality as above, an image for the opened state.

Text font

Set the menu-item text properties with the font manager.